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Hello,I’m Clara Hinton.

I am an author, public speaker and grief coach that has provided support to thousands of bereaved parents through my work over the past 25 years.

I’ve been blessed beyond measure, but my heart has also been broken into a million pieces.

I’ve been through the deepest grief imaginable — child loss.

In 1998 my first book on child loss, Silent Grief, was released. I wrote this book after the brokenness of multiple miscarriages and a stillborn baby boy, Samuel. This book is for the millions of parents grieving the loss of their babies in silence to let them know they are not alone.

In 2015, my world was shattered once again after the unexpected death of my adult son Mike. A year later I published my second book on grief, Child Loss: The Heartbreak and the Hope. I wrote this book to take a deeper look into the complex, ongoing pain of child loss and walk those grieving the loss of a child through the foggy abyss of grief into a place of learning how to live within the ongoing pain of loss.

Later that year, I saw a need for those grieving losses to have daily nourishment for the soul, so my newest book Hope 365: Daily Meditations for the Grieving Heart was born. This book gives 365 daily gifts of hope to readers and provides the strength needed to sustain the pain of loss and grief. When loss makes no sense, this book brings to life miraculous moments of hope and healing.

I’ve also been operating the Facebook page Silent Grief – Child Loss Support since 2011, where I’ve had the opportunity to connect with a community 230,000+ parents who have lost children in my daily posts.

Together we are all in this club we never wanted to join. Together we are stronger, and together we can find hope once again.

If you like the sound of that, this course is for you.

I have partnered with my daughter in the creation of this course. I’ll let her introduce herself below…

Hi, I’m Alex Howlett.

I am a yoga instructor, studio owner and holistic life coach. I’ve been practicing for the past decade and teaching since 2015. I’m an expert in self care.

I, too, have turned my pain into purpose through my work. In 2011 I was at my rock bottom of severe depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from childhood trauma that had resurfaced. I was willing to try anything to feel better but nothing seemed to help.

Eventually I found yoga and meditation, and that helped me to work through years worth of trauma, anger and confusion until I became a version of myself that was much more at peace with myself and those around me.

In 2015 I experienced the most difficult time of my life when my brother Mike died unexpectedly. Nothing could have ever prepared me to lose a sibling. I didn’t understand how or why this happened and what his death would mean for my family who always valued our time together more than anything else. The year following Mike’s death is a blur, and I’d be lying if I said I could remember exactly what I felt.

The place I’ve felt the safest over the past several years has been my yoga mat. Through my darkest days, my yoga practice has carried me through. I’ve made it my purpose in life to teach the healing methods that helped me to as many others as I can.

Together, we created this course, Finding My Way Through Child Loss, to help you find hope and healing in the midst of your deepest sadness and pain.

This course includes real life stories, coaching and practical exercises, including movement, breath work and meditation, in a powerful format to bring about lasting transformation. Once you purchase the course, it’s yours for life to take as many times as you’d like.

Each of the 10 training modules includes two videos (one by Clara and one by Alex), as well as a PDF study guide. We recommend completing one module a week over a 10-week period, but it’s prerecorded so you can go through it at your own pace.

What’s included:

Module 1: You are still a parent, even if your child is no longer here + a restorative yoga practice

Module 2: You are stronger than you think + an exercise to find your inner strength

Module 3: Prayer is powerful even when used just as an exercise + a guided meditation for relaxation

Module 4: Learning to breathe through the trauma + using breath to control your physical and emotional response

Module 5: You will change but you are still beautiful + self compassion exercises

Module 6: Remembering my child + choosing a linking object to remember your child

Module 7: It’s okay to take a break (practicing self care) + exercises for taking a break

Module 8: Taking one step at a time + healing at your own pace and practicing patience

Module 9: Finding your own place in life + releasing resistance to change

Module 10: Hope is alive! Awakening the spirit within + a meditation on hope

Available for purchase on June 16, 2019!